Wednesday 4 May 2011

Sweet memories

It's funny how when you're a parent you realise how little your parents knew about being parents, as you yourself really know nothing.... but you do your best and hope that it's enough.

In March I went to an INXS concert in Canberra.  As those who know me would know - I have loved INXS for as long as any of us can remember, and they were just as brilliant this time, minus Michael, as they were 25yrs ago when I screamed and sang my way through my first concert of theirs!

But this time I was OLD.  Mind you..... I didn't act like it!  It was great - I felt 16 again.... only my neck, back and ears hurt a lot more the next day than they did the first time!!!  D'oh.

Anyway, why am I writing about INXS on a Mums blogg?  Well, it just made me feel great - to really let go, and I realised how "stayed" I have become. 

As a mum you feel like you always have to "behave", so you set a good example.... but you know what - sometimes it really is fun to just "be".  In my "day-to-day-mum-life" I behave around School mums, I behave around in-laws, I behave around my kids, I at work....... so it was really nice to just "be".

Although I went to the concert with a really close friend, she was in a back brace, so enjoyed the concert in her own, calm way..... but I couldn't resist.  There were only a few thousand people there so I shot straight down the front, 2 rows from the stage, front and centre!  It was perfect, and an opportunity I couldn't resist!  And of course my friend understood - gotta luv her!!!

Anyway - it meant that I was there, virtually alone, so I could just "be".  Just be me.  I sang. I jumped around like a crazy person. I screamed. And I sang some more!  At one point I got hot, took off my top (with another one underneath......), and even thought about throwing it up onto the stage!!!  (But didn't, cause I like that particular top - and hey, what were they going to do with it anyway.....)....

The point is - I felt FREE!  No rules, no restrictions, no "must behave", just free to be silly, have fun and enjoy the night!!!  And I did.

So - to all those mums that are feeling "confined" and "restricted"......
Think of me and BE FREE!!!

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