Monday 1 September 2014

Hello again,

Yep.... another year or so has past and I just haven't updated this blog.  I guess you can't really call me a "blogger", that's for sure.  I'm much better with Facebook, and a little better as a "Twit" (so to speak), but blogging really doesn't seem to be my thing.

It's a wonder it's not.  I write a diary every night, and have done for more than 3 years now, (as my daughter gave me a diary one year for Xmas so I had to use it, and, well, it's just stuck, and I love it) so you'd think Blogging would really suite me.... but alas.... I simply don't remember about doing it.

But now, due to the total blogging excitement from a close friend, I'm back... and it will be really interesting to see if I get any "followers", or after a less than exciting re-introduction like that, whether I get absolutely nothing and am really only typing to myself.

Anyway, back to the blog.... and to "what mum's REALLY think....."

When I started this blog my kids were younger, obviously, and I thought doing this would help other mothers reduce their "guilt" about being a parent of young kids.  I mean, you read so many self-help or best-practice-child-rearing books when they're young (if you're anything like me), and you do try to do everything they tell you to, but in reality, what you do is what you feel is right for your kids and your family, and if that doesn't follow all the rules, then so be it. (And you feel guilty about it, of course).

But you know what?  In the long run - that's ok!!!  As long as you are doing your best and have your families heart, mind and best interests in the forefront of your intentions, then how can anyone tell you you're doing the wrong thing?

This page was aimed at sharing stories of my parenting experiences, and to hear comments and stories from my followers (that sounds so belittling... I prefer "readers" I think) but I must admit - I haven't actually ever had any comments or feedback on this blog, and yes, I did create it years ago. Perhaps if I was to add more more often then mybe, even just once, I could put the word out there to the universe, see what happens, and see if there really is someone just like me who is learning how to parent my children using the "trial/error" method.

If that's you, feel free to talk to me.  It would be great to get this blog up and interesting again so I continue to interact and contribute..... as that's all it's really about for mums, isn't it?  Contributing to our family, our friends and the community around us.  As without those things, where would we really be?

Anyway, that's what this mum really thinks today..... what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're back in the blogging realm! Keep it at - you'll find it can take you further than a diary ever could :) #welcomeBack
