Thursday 9 June 2011

It's been a while

It's been a while since I've updated this blog.... life's been busy.
Actually, I've been doing a course on Tuesday nights at the local Community Health Centre, about emotional training for kids.  It's been really interesting, and totally changed the way we interact with our two little darlings.
I didn't realise that I didn't do it, before it was broken down and explained to me in detail..... and I realised that I really didn't do much with their emmotions.  I was very quick to just "dismiss" their emotion, or say "it's alright", without getting their side of the storey.  Without finding out the reason for the emmotions they're showing. 
For example - if they're having a tantrum.... why is that?  What are they upset about and why are they so upset?  What's happened to trigger the emotion? 
And to be honest, it's really nice to be talking about it.  Not only have I learnt a lot more about my kids, but it's helped with hubby as well! 
So all in all it's been a great 5 weeks, life-changing you could say, and I look forward to the future with emotionally stable kids (and husband).........
So goodluck with it, and if you have the chance to do the "tuning into kids" course, I can strongly recommend it!
Enjoy the long weekend everyone and remember - if you wouldn't speak to an adult in that tone, you shouldn't use it on your kids!

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