Wednesday 3 September 2014

Today I went to my local Primary School for a "3 year strategy Planning" meeting.  It was put out to all parents in the School (and there are around 200-250 families I believe), and only 7 mums turned up!  Yep - you could count them on 2 hands.... 7!  Just SEVEN!

I couldn't believe it!  I know it was 2.30pm, so the timing might have meant some were at work, but I also know for a fact that there are more than 7 non-working parents at the School as well.

Wouldn't you think that something like that would be important to anyone with kids under year 6 this year?  I mean unless your child is leaving the School at the end of 2014 then your child would be effected by what is planned for the school in the next 3 years!!!

I was just really disheartened and saddened for the School, teachers and principal.  They were trying to do the right thing by including the community in the planning process, so how disappointing and discouraging would it have been for them to see only 7 faces in the hall?

And I can promise you one thing - there will be more than 7 parents that make complaints in the next 3 years about the School programming, that's for sure. 

Anyway, that's my rant for today.  If you agree, or have an opinion on this topic - feel free to comment!  I'd love to hear from you.

#parenting #parent #school #publicschool

Tuesday 2 September 2014

I learnt something today.

After two weeks fighting with my daughter over her costume for the school book parade, and her sticking to her guns and not being swayed from the idea of going as a marshmallow, I learnt that she is a very strong, confident little girl.  She's not shy as I had always thought. She's not scared of what people think which her mum can be sometimes. And she knows her mind, which is something we always try to develop in our kids but never quite know how we do it.

I was so nervous for her coming in to today. Her costume was 'strange' to say the least, and to be honest my biggest fear for her was that she would be totally ridiculed by the other kids for looking ridiculous.  But you know what? None of that happened.  She knew it wouldn't, she had faith in her friends, and she knew she could take their comments on board and have any nasty ones run off her like water off a ducks back.  She was perfectly ok with it all.

It was me that had the problem.

And why, I wonder? Why was I so scared for her? Why did I try to force her to conform and tone down her individuality?
Because I do? Perhaps.
Or to protect her from what I have experienced as a tough, unkind world where kids are concerned?

Who knows.

But all I do know is that I'm proud of her, proud of her strength of character and conviction and proud of myself a little too for stepping back and letting us both learn from is experience.
Who knows, next year might even be a happy book week-dress up experience..... But we'll see.

Monday 1 September 2014

Here's my thought for today...

Tomorrow is the school Book Week parade!! And can I just tell you, I hated them when I was a kid at school, and I hate them even more as a parent.

My daughter is going as a marshmallow.  Why? I hear you ask. Well her friend is going as a princess and between them they decided they would go as "A princess and her marshmallow".... I mean seriously, what is that? It's not a book, but could we sway her thinking? NO WAY!

So we have spent two weeks arguing over it, till I left it to my husband and daughter to make something.... And oh dear.  They have made something but I'm just not sure it's good. In fact I'm not even convinced it looks like anything at all, let alone a giant marshmallow.

But how do I tell her that?  How do I tell her I'm really worried that she will be teased and ridiculed tomorrow? How do I break her little heart? I've tried doing the "I'm your mum and it's better I tell you than your friends at school", but all that did was start another fight over it, and we both ended up in tears!

So Ive come to the conclusion there's really nothing I can do except change my own thinking. Stop putting my insecurities on to her, as she loves her outfit and thinks it's great!
I have to change my own mindset.  Let her go with it, and then just be there for her in case it all turns sour tomorrow.  She really did have fun making it with Daddy, so I'm going with that for now.

Fingers crossed it will go well, but I can promise you I won't be sleeping soundly till it's over!!

And that's what this mum really thinks right now.... What about you?
Hello again,

Yep.... another year or so has past and I just haven't updated this blog.  I guess you can't really call me a "blogger", that's for sure.  I'm much better with Facebook, and a little better as a "Twit" (so to speak), but blogging really doesn't seem to be my thing.

It's a wonder it's not.  I write a diary every night, and have done for more than 3 years now, (as my daughter gave me a diary one year for Xmas so I had to use it, and, well, it's just stuck, and I love it) so you'd think Blogging would really suite me.... but alas.... I simply don't remember about doing it.

But now, due to the total blogging excitement from a close friend, I'm back... and it will be really interesting to see if I get any "followers", or after a less than exciting re-introduction like that, whether I get absolutely nothing and am really only typing to myself.

Anyway, back to the blog.... and to "what mum's REALLY think....."

When I started this blog my kids were younger, obviously, and I thought doing this would help other mothers reduce their "guilt" about being a parent of young kids.  I mean, you read so many self-help or best-practice-child-rearing books when they're young (if you're anything like me), and you do try to do everything they tell you to, but in reality, what you do is what you feel is right for your kids and your family, and if that doesn't follow all the rules, then so be it. (And you feel guilty about it, of course).

But you know what?  In the long run - that's ok!!!  As long as you are doing your best and have your families heart, mind and best interests in the forefront of your intentions, then how can anyone tell you you're doing the wrong thing?

This page was aimed at sharing stories of my parenting experiences, and to hear comments and stories from my followers (that sounds so belittling... I prefer "readers" I think) but I must admit - I haven't actually ever had any comments or feedback on this blog, and yes, I did create it years ago. Perhaps if I was to add more more often then mybe, even just once, I could put the word out there to the universe, see what happens, and see if there really is someone just like me who is learning how to parent my children using the "trial/error" method.

If that's you, feel free to talk to me.  It would be great to get this blog up and interesting again so I continue to interact and contribute..... as that's all it's really about for mums, isn't it?  Contributing to our family, our friends and the community around us.  As without those things, where would we really be?

Anyway, that's what this mum really thinks today..... what do you think?

Monday 3 June 2013

It's been a while....

Wow! I can't believe it's been sooooo long since I last posted a blog.... If that's the correct phrase to use these days.

I guess I've been busy in the last two years - New job, new school friends, new interests in technology, and new corners to turn in my every-expanding career.

I will have to make sure I try to keep this more up to date, so make sure you follow me and this blog so we can all chat....

Come with me mums, dads, everyone, and perhaps we'll learn together "what mums really think"!


Monday 27 June 2011

it's been a while

You know what drives me totally crazy...... 4 days of my daughter not doing anything I ask her the first time.

I mean, I know kids pushing the boundaries at home is a sign of comfort and trust that home is a safe place to test life's boundaries, but really - 4 days without doing ANYTHING the first time I ask!!!

And she wonders why I get cranky......

Oh dear.....

Good luck everyone - and my your kids ears work better than mine at the moment!!!  lol

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Tooth fairy

Can you believe it?  My daughter lost her first tooth yesterday..... wobbly one moment, out the next!
It was very exciting.... and the tiniest tooth you've ever seen!
Luckily the tooth fairy doesn't pay by size, otherwise we'd have needed 1c coins back!
$5 seemed to going rate from fairies though...... and although she originally wanted $50, I think she was happy with $5.  ha ha.
Congratulations my darling, very grown up, girl!